Placement Year Careers Advice

Some choice careers advice if you’re doing a placement, or thinking about applying for one.

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Real Student Stories: What To Do After Graduation

Is life after graduation becoming more and more daunting? Learn from ex-graduates and carve your own path with RateMyPlacement.

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A Guide To: Thriving on your Placement or Internship

Starting work experience soon? Our placement student, Anna, has put together some tips and tricks to help you thrive on your placement or internship.

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Student Finance during your Placement Year

Did you know you could actually qualify for a maintenance loan from student finance during your placement year? Find out more about all the financial help available.

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Career Focus: Work as a Stockbroker or Trader in Banking

Stockbrokers spend their days buying and selling company stocks and shares on the stock exchange to make a profit for their clients – or avoid making any losses. Read more here.

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Preparing for a Strength-Based Interview

A strength-based interview will take place during a face-to-face interview or assessment centre. We break down what these are and how you can prepare for them.

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How to Break into Digital Marketing

Considering a career in digital marketing? This article has been put together by Evoluted, a digital marketing agency with some advice on how to break in.

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Applications Closing Early? Be One Step Ahead!

Why do employers decide to close their applications early? We delve into the reasons why, and share tips to stay on top of your job search.

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Placement Interviews & Assessment Centres: Top Tips

Made it to the final stages of the application process? Read this guide to give yourself the best shot at securing your dream placement.